The Morgantown Area Grand Prix (MAGP) Series
presented by
View past MAGP Series Standings, Points, Coverage, Photos, and Results:

The 2018 Morgantown Area Grand Prix (MAGP) Series is presented by the
Morgantown Roadrunners/WV Track Club (get a membership form or sign up on-line).
- MedExpress Urgent Care,
Morgantown Running,
The object of this series is to promote increased participation in member races and, as a result, heighten awareness of and funding for the various race-supported causes. With the continued support of area runners and event sponsors, the Grand Prix strives to continue our success
- The 2018 MAGP consists of twelve different races, ranging in distance from 5k to 13.1 miles.
- You are automatically entered in the series.
- Scheduled races and race dates are subject to change. Reasonable efforts will be made to notify series entrants if and when such changes occur. Grand Prix officials do not assume responsibility for date changes or cancellations of affiliate races.
Your final score will be the total points for your best 9 races in the series. You must run 7 races to be eligible for year-end awards. (We encourage you to run as many as you can.) .
- Guidelines issued by the West Virginia Secon-dary School Activities Commission limit the type of awards that students may accept to plaques, trophies, certificates,etc. To protect the status of student athletes, all entrants who are enrolled in grades 6 through 12 at the end of the year will be ineligible to receive any series competition award of monetary value.
- Age Graded Points . . .
Age Graded Points - We are using the WMA age grading system. Your time will be age graded using factors that depend upon your age and the distance of the race. We then take the theoretical world record (for the distance, your age & sex) and divide it by your time to get a percentage. We multiply by 100 to get an integer. Points will be rounded to the nearest whole number for display purposes, but fractions of points will be used to determine the standings.
- Example . . .
If a 10-year-old male runs a 10K in 42:30 (2550 seconds) his score is 1972/2550 x 100 = 77
If a 55-year-old female runs a 10K in 47:50 (2870 seconds) her score is 2219/2870 x 100 = 77 it's a tie.
It's a tie.
- Bonus = Morgantown Roadrunner, WV Track Club members receive 3 points for each of the nine best races. You must be a club member prior to June 30, 2018. Club points will be awarded for the nine best races run prior to and after the deadline. Memberships are good for the calendar year.
- Participation = For every mile raced in the series you will receive 1 point. This is not limited to your top nine races. Kilometers are converted to miles and rounded down for each race.
- Individuals who complete 9 out of the 12 races in the series will receive a participation award at the end of the year.
- The top 10 male and female finishers in the series will receive championship awards at the end of the year.
- The male and female overall winners in the series will receive free registration at the respective 2018 MAGP events.
After the series is over and the scores are tallied, we will schedule a banquet in January to celebrate everyone's accomplishments. We do hope that you will join us!
Heather Parks
phone: (304) 216-4467 or (304) 379-1211
Become a Member of the Morgantown Roadrunners, WV Track Club:
- See the Morgantown Roadrunners/WVTC Facebook page for updates.
- Get yourself a club membership form or sign up on-line). and join us today!
- Members receive Footnotes (monthly newsletter).
- Members receive applications for local/area races.
- As a member you may participate in group training runs and handicapped club races.
- Reasonably priced dues.